Packaging Supplies Melbourne

Packaging Supplies Melbourne

Clothes packing and moving tips

Packing clothes for your move is all about staying organized. It is crucial to identify and categorize your clothing based on season and function. Today OZ-packing experts put together a thorough guide for you to help you pack your clothes for moving. Thing to do before packing your clothes Before you get packing, try to …

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Things you may not know about bubble wraps

Bubble wrap is great packing material, kids love to jump on it and make lots of noise. oz-packing specialise in 10mm bubble wraps, pallet wraps, packing tapes, this allows us to concentrate our efforts on sourcing quality film at the best possible price. Here are a few interesting facts about bubble wrap that you may not be familiar …

Things you may not know about bubble wrapsRead More

How to recycle cardboard boxes after you move

Corrugated cardboard is a very popular product used for efficient exterior packaging, mainly due to its strength, light weight, and recyclability. It can easily have information printed on it, as well as barcodes, and RFID tags can easily be applied. The corrugated cardboard container usually contains organic material, paper, and starch glue, and can be …

How to recycle cardboard boxes after you moveRead More

AU Bubble Wraps Supplier:

AU Packaging Supplies Wholesaler – How to make moving easier

Plan ahead could made your house or office moving easier. Ensure you have all the necessary  packaging materials you need well in advance, such as bubble wraps, cardboard boxes, packing tapes etc. And have a packing order. This will make knowing what and how to pack a lot easier. Try and pack your container in such …

AU Packaging Supplies Wholesaler – How to make moving easierRead More

Pack Furniture For Moving Guideline

Getting your furniture ready for moving day can be stressful. Large pieces of furniture such as sofas, bunk beds, antique dressers and dining sets that seat 12 are far more complicated to pack than your books and picture frames. However, packing up your furniture and ensuring it arrives in good condition does not have to …

Pack Furniture For Moving GuidelineRead More